Do you ever wonder what Childfree Life really looks and feels like?

Sure, there are the party days of your 20s & 30s (which we both crushed by the way!) but what happens when things start to "slow down" at 50?

Is fun still a priority? Does the worry about the elder years increase? Does regret set in or fade into oblivion? Do we get bored? How do we make new childfree friends?

We share the answers to all of these questions, cover the topics that matter to you most and give you an open (and very honest) behind the scenes look into our personal childfree lives. 

This is our favorite way to connect with each of you. Join us every other week as we explore the delicious fun, the truth and the messiness of childfree life.

Whether you are loving your childfree life or ruminating about the childfree choice- this podcast is for you! Think of us as your older(ish) & wiser(ish) childfree friends who are struttin' down the childfree path with you.

ALL PODCAST EPISODES: Click thumbnail for description and details  ⤵

ALL PODCAST EPISODES: Click thumbnail for description and details  ⤵

🎧 42:53 min listen

Bonus Episode: Is Childfree For Me? | Meet Vera